Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Who would notice my disapperance, if one day, I die?
Why are you treating me in this way?
Do you love me?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Love, is no longer about two individuals loving each other. Sometimes, it involves two families, two sides of friends, and many things. Because what I'm looking into is a lifetime of love, a lifetime of relationship, and a lifetime of family. I'm not a girl who just yearns for someone to love her, but a realistic girl who is planning for a future. Things, have changed. And even my love for you have grown stronger and stronger each day. Perhaps, a relationship is just like flying a kite. Perhaps, it's time for me to loosen it. Love, commitment, future. Hurts.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sometimes, no one understands. If this continue, I will go crazy

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sometimes, I'm disappointed , I'm upset. But I do not wish you to be sandwiched in the middle. So I always act to be okay but I'm not. Just because I act to be strong, it doesn't mean that I do not need to be cared for. Maybe, maybe other girls are upset, they showed that they are upset , and you may show your concern. Or maybe, I'm just plain jealous, that's it. Whatever it is , one sentence .. Act blur live longer ...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

有时想,朋友会比情人好吗? 朋友就能一辈子地对彼此好,从不埋怨。以前都会被你疼爱,现在原来成为了你的负担。出去不像以前一样的甜蜜。就不喜欢你对我凶。如果你能对朋友好过情人,我有时候真的很希望继续做你的朋友。。。